Monday, September 16, 2013

Plumb Out of Ideas for Plums

There are two wonderful plum trees in the yard. The landlords and the neighbors assured us that there would be more plums than we could eat, and they were sure right.

In addition to eating four to six plums per day, per person, we came up with a few creative uses:

Michael's special dried plum recipe
Stewing plums and blackberries in preparation for pureeing

Blackberry-Plum Fruit Roll-Ups!
Plum Cake

A Plum Shrub. Don't know what that is? Check it out!


  1. Ooh the rolls ups are a GREAT idea! I've been meaning to look for a good fruit leather recipe because I STILL have 8 million jars of apple butter left and nothing else to do with it. Would you recommend the recipe you used?

    Oh and chutney. We ate buttloads of plum chutney. And gave a lot away. Our friends won't take anymore. =(

    1. You could totally make fruit roll-ups with your apple butter! The recipe was good, but I dehydrated them in the oven and it took FOREVER. I had to leave the oven on low for something like 12 hours, and then leave the baking sheets out on the stove for another 12 hours before they were dried enough to roll up. Still, super tasty now. Chutney is a good idea...

  2. How did I not see this post?! Dang! I love it! Cannot wait to see what you do with the plums this year. With our plums, the BEST thing EVER was to simply soak them in vodka. It made the best drink. it was crazy.
